2025-01-17 16:53 cd |
Leftovers: 25 Food: 35 g Q (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 34 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Diclofenac - OU - DMSA: 1/4 cap (150 mg cap) PO
QAR in kennel, standing in front. Very BAR and strong once grabbed, vocal, resistant to tx. 25g LO Q removed (not incl wing wt), wing was removed from pile, potentially picked at. Stood when placed back
2025-01-17 11:56 Dr. G/MS |
Weight: 858 grams, Keel score: 1.5, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: -10 g (1 %) Food: 38 g Q (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 35 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 ml L leg Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Diclofenac - OU - DMSA: 1/4 cap (150 mg cap) PO Weigh
BAR, standing at front of kennel. Hopped around. NOLO!
Bird is BAR and significantly more active and alert than a week ago. Just started to eat, but quite thin and weight is down. Radiograph from Monday shows fixator in place and stable. Anesthetized for wound care and PT. The distal wing edema is resolved and overall the skin looks good. There is some pulling on the distal pin insertion site when the wing is extended that might mildly impede elbow extension. Cleaned all 3 pin sites and applied TAB. Wrapped wing lightly for support and coverage. Continue PT every 3 days - consider leaving wrap off mid-week to see if he can hold wing up. He tried to flare if with the wrap so obviously can raise it at the shoulder. Will put FF and fluids only if not eating, but monitor weight closely. Eye damage is still fairly significant - add Diclofenac BID. Lead has gone up - added DMSA, recheck in 1 week. Move out when weight increases. Dr Gardner
buffy normal
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- start diclofenac OU BID increase FIC
Collection date | 2025-01-17 11:56:00 | PCV | 31 % | TS | 3.0 g\dl | Serum | pale straw |
Blood lead |
Collection date | 2025-01-17 | Level | 10.00 ug/dL |
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-17 | Examiner - | Dr G/ MS |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: Floating debris or possible retinal
damage medial to pecten. Retina
has some mild orangish discoloration
medial and ventral to the pecten,
with some minor patchiness | Left eye: Floating debris medial to pecten,
very similar to OD. Some dark patchy
discoloration medial and ventral
to pecten. |
2025-01-16 17:06 ME |
Leftovers: 28 Food: 34 g Q plus a wing and feathers Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO 28 g LO plus some quail bones Decided not to grab since he is eating
2025-01-16 10:00 SC |
Weight: 868 grams, Keel score: 2.0, Leftovers: 49 Weight change: -59 g (6 %) Food: 30 g Q (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 16 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Perched 49 g LO including some regurg
2025-01-15 16:51 cd |
Leftovers: 53 Food: 35 g m (+ vit + Ca) - no Q available Force feed: 31 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, feisty and vocal when grabbed. 53g Lo removed, fic & regurg.
2025-01-15 10:07 MS |
Leftovers: 20 Food: 1 whole mouse (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 25 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca), If not eating SQ fluids: 30 ml L leg Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, standing, hopped to the back. Did not eat mouse from last night. Very squirmy in hand today. Removed towel from kennel since standing.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- try Q later
2025-01-14 17:15 sc |
Leftovers: 57 Food: 1 whole mouse (22g) (+ vit + Ca) Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Tramadol: 0.48 ml (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Lots of LO, standing and alert. Opted to not FF since he was seen eating some food this morning, but we did handle to give meds. Stood again once placed in kennel. QAR during treatment.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Update FF and FIC Stop tram
2025-01-14 09:30 MS |
Leftovers: 37 Food: 9 g ck c/u + 20 g whole mouse Force feed: 45 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 ml L leg Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Tramadol: 0.48 ml (40 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, standing, squirmy and chirpy in hand. Much more alert than when I last saw this bird. Started picking at food when put back! Worth skipping FF and fluids tonight to see if he's started eating.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- switch to whole FIC
2025-01-13 17:32 cd |
Leftovers: 43 Food: 35 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: ~20g FL c/u SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Tramadol: 0.48 ml (40 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, standing. Very strong and resistant to handling. 43g LOs, regurged AM meal. Force fed about half of prepped amount and left 35g in cage. Not sure what's upsetting his digestion.
2025-01-13 12:34 cd |
buffy normal
Collection date | 2025-01-13 12:34:00 | PCV | 32 % | TS | 3.0 g\dl | Serum | near clear/pale straw |
Blood lead |
Collection date | 2025-01-13 | Level | 7.30 ug/dL |
2025-01-13 10:44 ME |
Leftovers: 26 Food: 10 g m/ck c/u (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 45 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Tramadol: 0.48 ml (40 mg/ml susp) PO 26 g LO QAR, standing in front Check eyes: OS Anesthetized with ISO via mask for follow-up Radiograph: R humerus only - some bony changes long distal humerus; fixation intact; cleaned pins, applied triple ab ointment; Collected Blood: CBC lead PT under anesthesia: R wing; still some moderate edema at distal humerus; did not get full ROM - distal humerus pin tearing skin when extending joint to 80-90 degrees
Padded Fig 8 bandage
Physical therapy |
Limb/joint | Right wing | Type | PROM | | Elbow | Wrist | Before | 90 | 180 | After | 90 | 180 |
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-13 | Examiner - | ME |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | DNE | + | + | + | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: Minor floating fibrinous debris
medial/caudal to pecten | Left eye: PLR slow and incomplete; Minor
floating fibrinous debris medial/caudal
to pecten |
2025-01-12 15:15 cd |
Food: ~30 g FL c/u Force feed: ~20 g FL c/u
QAR, standing. 45g regurg food from this morning. Force fed around half of prepped amount and left rest in cage, stood when placed back.
2025-01-12 14:07 AL |
Fecal |
Collection date | 2025-01-12 | Results | NEG |
2025-01-12 11:00 AL |
Weight: 927 grams, Keel score: 2.5, Leftovers: 10 Weight change: -33 g (3 %) Force feed: 53g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca), SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Tramadol: 0.48 ml (40 mg/ml susp) PO Weigh - 927g Fecal BAR and standing on bottom of kennel. 10g LOs.
2025-01-11 11:42 sc |
39g FL FF
Left LO for tomorrow
2025-01-11 10:30 sc |
Leftovers: 24 Food: 14 g m c/u Force feed: 36 g FL c/u SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Fenbendazole: 0.28 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Standing in front of kennel. All LO from yesterday. Much more alert and active during treatment. Did tweezer feed one piece of food. Treating with meds SID today due to weather but plan to FF last thing before we leave.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Switch to tram stop burp
2025-01-10 11:34 Dr G/ MS |
Weight: 960 grams Weight change: +37 g (4 %) Standing but very quiet in cage. Anesthetized for PT. Body wrap tight. The distal humerus is swollen and a bit edematous, oozing from distal pin site. There is a larger opening at that pin tract because the skin moves back and forth when the wing is extended, but I do not think the edema is secondary to the pin site. I plucked some of the feathers at the area of the exit of the IM pin - all of the pin sites look good, cleaned and applied Neosporin. Rewrapped w/ padding and a light figure-8 to keep wing up but no body wrap, tried to keep rather loose in case the edema was secondary to wrapping. Drew blood for CBC - but blood in HCT tubes clotted so I am not sure my smears will be accurate. Continue as planned - pictures taken of the distal humerus, monitor that area closely. Behavior is a little odd - doesn't stand much and very quiet - head trauma? Dr Gardner
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-10 | Examiner - | Dr G/ MS |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: Odd streakiness and pigmentation
(bruising?) around pecten. None
really looks fresh. Quick look
while recovering from GA | Left eye: Streakiness and pigmentation (bruising?)
around pecten. Some brighter areas
ventrally, suspect fresher hemorrhage,
small amount. |
2025-01-09 16:37 ah |
Leftovers: 7 Food: 10g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 45 g FL c/u SQ fluids: 30 ml administered to R leg Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Fenbendazole: 0.28 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Bird was initially laying on his side when checking for LO's, was standing by kennel door at time of treatment. Bird was placed near food pillow after treatment.
2025-01-09 11:45 me |
Leftovers: 4 Food: 10 g FL c/u Force feed: 44 g FL c/u SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Fenbendazole: 0.28 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO 4 g LO Weigh
2025-01-08 16:46 cd |
Leftovers: 5 Food: 9 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 43 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 ml Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
QAR, lying in back, am's food untouched; 5g lo removed. Prompted to stand in front of kennel and he did, not full height but stayed upright. Grabbed for treatment. Mild anisocoria noted, no reading. Alert during tx, struggling in hand while force feeding, reactive to visual stimuli - did tweezer feed one piece then stopped. Gave a horseshoe in kennel for support but stood after tx.
2025-01-08 14:46 sc |
US FWS notified via email: illegal cause of injury.
2025-01-08 12:38 RN |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- start fenben SID x3 days. scheduled follow-up fecal for 1/12 due to inclement weather schedules 1/10-1/11 -cd/rn
Fecal |
Collection date | 2025-01-08 | Results | POS for capillaria fluke
Fecal |
Collection date | 2025-01-08 | Results | NEG |
2025-01-08 11:07 MS |
Leftovers: 0 Food:5 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 44 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 ml L leg Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Blood: lead Fecal PT: R wing - under anesthesia Leave body bandage off?
Quiet, standing at front. Anesthetized under 2.5% iso for PT. Very stiff, and fx still mobile underneath. Most distal pin site started bleeding during PT, looks like an older scab lifted and left an opening. Cleaned and covered with telfa. Reapplied padded fig 8. Left body wrap on for now. Recovery was normal. Drew blood for lead from L basilic vein. NOLO seen in kennel. Kennel was really dirty, moved to a new one. Gave a towel, no donut since standing, but bird boated in the back when let go. Forgot to weigh.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- increase FIC
Blood lead |
Collection date | 2025-01-08 | Level | 6.80 ug/dL |
Physical therapy |
Limb/joint | Right wing | Type | PROM | | Elbow | Wrist | Before | 100 | 180 | After | 110 | 180 | Notes Did 5 gentle reps of 15s each + patagial massage |
Surgery report |
Procedure - Wound debridement | Performed by - | Surgery time - 0 minutes | Lightly scrubbed distal pin site with betadine, applied TAB,
covered with telfa |
2025-01-07 16:43 sc |
Keel score: 2.0Leftovers: 15 Force feed: 45g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Standing in horse-shoe. Fresh mute right outside of kennel. All LO from AM. Keel is looking closer to a 2, opted to FF all food and leave no FIC. Alert during treatment. Stood upon being put back into kennel.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Increase FF Decrease FIC
2025-01-07 10:25 ME |
Weight: 923 grams, Leftovers: 3 Weight change: +12 g (1 %) Food: 15g FL c/u Force feed: 31g FL c/u SQ fluids: 30 cc Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO 3 g LO Bird standing, QAR, very slight "reading"
2025-01-06 16:29 cd |
Food: ~5g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 30g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Quiet, lying in horseshoe. Mutes++ everywhere. Reacted to sound and movement slowly, did stand when prompted, no reading seen. Reacted to injection strongly and stood after treatment. Left just a few small pieces of food on horseshoe.
2025-01-06 08:50 me/sc |
Leftovers: 37 Food: none left Force feed: 32g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 25 Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.46 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO 37 g LO, laying down, QAR Mutes present Slight "reading" (heading movement) but eye movements seemed normal Stood up after treatments
2025-01-05 18:00 JB |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Change from Torb to Burprenorphine
2025-01-05 17:58 JB |
Food: 40g Quail Force feed: 14g FL c/u SQ fluids: 30 Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine 0.46mL IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Has heat pad on low under kennel
2025-01-05 14:52 Dr Tracey/SC/JB |
Surgery report |
Procedure - Fracture repair - humerus | Performed by - Dr. Ritzman | Surgery time - 57 minutes | Right Humeral Fracture Repair:
Patient placed under general Isoflurane anesthesia.
Patient placed in ventral recumbency. Area dorsal over the right
humerus was prepared for sterile surgery incision.
Longitudinal incision made with #10 blade over dorsal humerus
at fracture site. Proximal and distal humeral fracture fragments
were identified and gently elevated. Radial nerve was identified
and gently moved away from fracture site. A 3/32 IM pin was placed
into proximal fragment at incision site and directed proximally
to exit out of proximal humerus at shoulder joint. The distal
tip of the IM pin was then advanced to fracture site and the
two humeral fragments were aligned. The fracture was a simple
olique fracture just distal to humeral crest area. The IM pin
was driven into the distal fragment until it came into contact
with distal humeral fragment.
The incision was closed with 4-0 PDSII in simple continuous fashion
for subcutaneous tissues and simple interrupted with dermal incision.
Cross pins were placed next. Two cross pins placed of 0.045 size
within distal fragment and proximal fragment. Due to location
of the fracture site, the proximal IM pin had to be placed into
the distal humeral crest area.
Radiographs taken after pin placement. Radiography of the right
wing shows very good alignment of fracture fragments and placement
of cross pins are very good with engagement of distal cortex
but not beyond.
IM pin and cross pins were gently bent to incorporate into external
bar using X-Lite Plus Cast material.
Patient recovery from anesthesia was prolonged but smooth.
Figure of 8 wrap to body wrap.
Plan is to start PT on Tuesday (48 hours later).
Subcutaneous fluids given post operatively.
Dr. Tracey Ritzman, DVM, Dipl. ABVP-Avian & ECM |
2025-01-05 14:26 AL |
2025-01-05 08:45 cd |
Weight: 911 grams, Keel score: 2.5 Weight change: -38 g (4 %) SQ fluids: 30 Clindamycin: 0.95 ml (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Butorphanol: 0.19 ml (10 mg/ml inj) IM Weigh SURGERY PREMED, NO MELOXI
QAR, still standing, leaning against kennel grate a little for support. Anisocoria is less noticeable currently. Forgot to check eyes - do before surgery or tomorrow
2025-01-05 07:37 cd |
Lying to the side of horseshoe, sleeping. Woke up when I opened the door. Visually reactive, following my hand movements. Picked him up and encouraged him to stand on horseshoe - it took a second but he did, then slowly straightened up. Mild anisocoria and slow, subtle reading.
2025-01-04 16:16 egg |
Leftovers: 12 Force feed: 36 g FL c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.48 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO QAR, leaning on doughnut, but did stand on own when encouraged. Obtunded, and quiet when being grabbed and handled. All food given as force feed in prep for surgery tomorrow. Fought back when administering IM buprenorphine. Did independently swallow some food, but would not tweezer feed.
2025-01-04 14:09 cd |
Checked on - collapsed forward against wall. Righted him and he stood tentatively, supported by towel on one side but definitely putting most weight on feet. Still pretty quiet but reading is much less pronounced currently.
2025-01-04 09:31 cd |
Weight: 949 grams, Leftovers: 12 Weight change: -12 g (1 %) Food: 15g FL ck c/u Force feed: 18g FL ck c/u SQ fluids: 30 Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.48 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Weight 949g WITH WING WRAP
Quiet this morning, lying out of donut toward back of kennel. Lots of mutes on wall behind him. Slow reading. Reactive to noise but not super alert. Tried to encourage to stand and legs have some good tone, feet gripping towel underneath, but not really making attempts to stand on his own. Tried again before treatment and he kicked strongly in hand and stood! - used wing briefly for balance then stood independently. More alert during treatment this morning. DPR is still not convincing but stood and used legs very well compared to last night. Did not stand when placed back but legs were still strong; propped up with horseshoe towel.
2025-01-03 16:42 cd |
Leftovers: 18 Food: 17g FL ck c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.48 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Quiet, eyes open, raised hackles a little when we opened the door but otherwise not very alert. 18g whole m LO removed. Drew blood from R jugular; ulnar vein way too thin. Legs are strong and moving at times but DPR test was inconclusive. Had one good pupillary response from R 3rd digit but did not receive again, had some other small pupillary reactions but not consistent. No mutes in cage but vent is toned and clean.
buffy normal
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- switch to FL c/u since not standing
Collection date | 2025-01-03 16:42:00 | PCV | 33 % | TS | 2.3 g\dl | Serum | clear |
Blood lead |
Collection date | 2025-01-03 | Level | 8.00 ug/dL |
2025-01-03 10:16 ME |
Food: 30-35 g M/Ck (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 30 Terbinafine: 0.58 ml (25 mg/ml susp) PO Buprenorphine: 0.48 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM Meloxicam: 0.32 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Laying down, QAR Mutes on towel Anesthetized with ISO via mask (5% induction, 3% maintenance) for Radiograpsh: R humerus - confirmed closed midshaft oblique fx just distal to humeral crest; discovered numerous metallic foreign objects in L wing, L shoulder, neck; Appear to be related to old injuries - no wounds found near some of the objects; Applied padded Fig 8 and body bandage Slow recovery
2025-01-02 14:35 SC/ME |
Weight: 961 grams, Keel score: 3.0
------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ---------------- Head Behavior and Neuro: QAR Nares: R nare has dried blood Body Wings Right humerus: midshaft closed fx Legs Left foot, ankle, digits: Talon #3 broken, half missing; old injury
0.2 cc Torb IM 0.1 cc Meloxi IM 25 cc LRS SQ Applied padded Fig 8 bandage
--Plan ---- get "dirty" rads tomorrow to evaluate for surgical repair
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-02 | Examiner - | SC/ME |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | + | NEG | NEG | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: PLR positive but weak; Blood clot
and mild floating fibrinous debris
caudal to pecten; retina cranial
to pecten darker gray with "streaks" | Left eye: Blood clot and mild floating fibrinous
debris caudal to pecten |